Here is a quick quote I put in Encouragement for a Missionary

I’ll give you one insight into this, chewing is symbolic of thinking over the word of God. This is one thing that is symbolic with Kosher animals in chewing their cod, they are going over the word of God over and over again.
Encouragement for a Missionary

This quote relates as cows, which are kosher, has four stomaches, there are four layers of meaning is the scriptures know as PaRDeS.

Here is a quote from Bishops are JUDGEs of Israel about PaRDeS.

You might be thinking I’m taking that statement to literally. I would have to disagree, as I do agree there is much symbolism in it, I have to say it is to be read literal also. One thing we learn when studying about PaRDeS, see THE RULES OF PARDES; Pardes (Jewish exegesis); and Beholding the Tree of Life: A Rabbinic Approach to the Book of Mormon, is that the deeper levels of meaning, or symbolic, and understanding do not contradict or negate the more surface levels, or literal, of understanding.
Bishops are JUDGEs of Israel

A quote from The Holy Spirit and The Holy Ghost are the Same:

The verse I just quoted, Mosiah (LDS 18:10) (RLDS 9:41), illustrates that we are to enter a covenant with God before we are baptized. I’ll end on this one, as this is not the main subject of this post, but in Mosiah (LDS 18:8) (RLDS 9:38-39) states “here are the waters of Mormon”, this is wonderful example of PaRDeS, four levels of meanings in the scriptures (see Bishops are JUDGEs of Israel for more regarding PaRDeS), the simplest level is very obvious that was the name of the water, a deeper level takes into account that Mormon actually means covenant and everyone is about to be baptized with water as a witness that they have entered into a covenant with God (regarding Mormon meaning covenant see Why Did Mormon Introduce Himself in 3 Nephi 5?, THE MEANING OF THE NAME “MORMON”, What Does “Mormon” Mean, Anyways?, Mormon (word)).